CASA TAO – This is a place of refuge for young jungle girls who have had children at way too young of age -mostly by cultural traps and animistic thought that we are working hard to break. We focus on teaching the girls Kingdom Principals, helping them finish high school and becoming good mothers and learning a real job skill. skill.
"TAO" stands for Transition to Autonomy and Orientation. Its a full-fledged legal non-profit foundation that God placed in Psa. Ana's hands. Its located just on the west side of the town of Rio Negro, in Tungurahua Province of Ecuador. This is a place of refuge for young jungle girls who have had children at way too young of age -mostly by cultural traps and animistic thought that we are working hard to break. We focus on teaching the girls Kingdom Principals, helping them finish high school and becoming good mothers and learning a real job skill.
Ana Galindo is the visionary & director of the project. This safe house is not only her idea, but her passion; defending women of all ages! We have also already touched the lives of another 6-7 other girls & their children as well. Some have advanced to the next level while others were not able to settle in or got home-sick for their communities despite an oppressive situation. We have poured Christ into them all. The girls are not obligated in any way to stay. Most realize that we are here to help them & can see the benefit & advantage to what they are learning. Some have no other place they can be.
The facilities & logistics: For the 1st year, CASA TAO Foundation was able to rent a really cute little wooden lodge. It was a great starting place, but the maintenance of the wood structures was really high & the land lord kept pushing up the rent. In Jan 2018, God opened up a large 3 story building at a lower cost.
The new place is HUGE! God has big plans! One floor alone has 12 rooms each with a private bath & a large central meeting area. There is a big kitchen area, dining and kid’s area, offices and workshop & counseling space and even a house parent’s apartment. There is also a garden area for the girls, which is culturally really important for them.
The future: It's looking like Casa TAO will be getting flooded with young girls needing help. A young missionary couple is in the process of getting ready to move down and lend a helping hand. Individuals are stepping forward & helping with rent & food funding. These girls eat a lot, but each month God provides.
WHAT WE DO: We have been privileged to help Casa Tao in numerous occasions, wether it be with food, clothes, etc; legal advice and help, our just morale support and counseling. God is doing great things in these young girls lives, and they are learning not only how to be young adult mothers, but how to be daughters of the King!