God has been Faithful!
If there is one thing that we can testify to, in all of our time on the mission field, it is that God always provides!
While we were single, both of us worked part time, and the other part we served in the ministry. I did another of different jobs, the biggest of which was painting houses, and Cinthia worked in a Christian bookstore. After we were married and sent to Zamora to start pastoring, for the first 9 months we would make bolones de verde and cafe to sell. At five oclock we would start cooking the plantains (or rice or preparing the fruit, depending on what we were to sell that day) and at about nine I would go out and start walking around the streets and office buildings selling the food. We did that in the morning, and then in the afternoon we did the counseling, visitation, evangalizing, etc...
Also, as a church, once a month we would all get together and prepare a boxed lunch meal, which we delivered to the people that had ordered them.
It is amazing how God provides! I remember one time in particular that we knew the rent was coming up, and had no idea how God would provide. So we sat down and prayed: "Lord, we need rent and food. Please, by the end of two weeks, we need a total of $400." And to this day we still are amazed at the way God answered that prayer! There was an Ecuadorian sister, whom we hardly knew, but she went to a church in Puyo and knew that we were church planting 15 hours away. Two weeks later she calls us up and says "My brother is not a believer, but he just sold his first lot of pigs, and gave me some money and told me that he wanted to give some ministry a tithe so that God would bless him. Now, I thought of you guys, and have $400 dollars which I want to deposit to you. He gave me the money two weeks ago, but it has taken me this long to get your number and call you!" Praise the Lord! The exact day whe asked, God had the exact amount of money designated for us! He is so Faithful!
I remember hearing the story of a missionary in Asia. He had a sign over his door, which had only two Hebrew words on it, but it is a message which touches our lives to this day. The words were 'Ebenezer', meaning Hitherto hath the Lord helped us; and 'Jehova Jireh', The Lord will Provide.
Now that God is opening more doors and areas of ministry, we are becoming busier, and as always are trusting in God to supply our needs. Would you consider Partnering with us? Thank you so much for being a part of our ministry here in Ecuador!
Praises and Prayer Requests
Praise God for his faithfulness all the time! He provides in so many ways, and we see many things in life as a reminder of his blessings!
Please join us in praying for God's blessing for those that we work with, and those who partner with us; especially for the orphanage Casa de Fe, Casa TAO, the young people on the streets, the churches that we minister alongside, and the Christian leaders we support.
Please pray for Gods' provision for us as a family. Many missionaries raise all the funds to reach their budget before they come to the field. We trust that God will provide while we are on the field, and he always does, but not without a lot of faith, trust, and prayer.
Please join with us in prayer for Gods' provision for our current needs, and praising Him for his goodness!
Praise the Lord for the continued support and prayers...although we have not yet reached the goal for our monthly needs, God has been providing.
Praise the Lord that the local political unrest has ceased, and the government has agreed to build the max. security prison elsewhere!
Praise God for his faithfulness and the rain! The country has now gone a couple weeks without any planned blackouts!
Praise the Lord, Cinthia now has her visa!!