2 Kings 2:21
And he went forth unto the springs of waters and cast the salt in them and said: Thus hath the Lord said, I have healed these waters, there shall be no more death or barrenness in them.
Manantial is the Spanish word for a Fountain or a Spring. Our goal and ministry is to change the bitterness and death of bad doctrine, unbalanced living habits, chains of neglect, and abuse in the lives of the children, youth, and leaders of the Christian church into a fountain of living water where the thirsty may drink and find life.
There is a lot of need here for discipleship, to teach the pure word of God to many that have heard of the gospel, but are confused and do not know how to walk in a relationship with the Lord. Quite often here there is such a push to evangelize and not enough discipleship afterward. We desire to help in whatever way we can, training Christian leaders, teaching seminars, helping national pastors in their evangelistic activities, ministering in word and song, and providing teaching, support counseling, and rest for the pastors that have dedicated their lives to the kingdom. Our mission is to support them in whatever way possible, always in the background; equipping and assisting the Ecuadorian church to reach their own with the good news four Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Branching Out In Ministry.
If I were to sum up what our ministry looks like today in one word, that word would be SUPPORT. Our calling is not to do the work, but rather to train and support others who are doing it. Neither of our callings in ministry is that of an evangelist, to go to an unreached area and start churches, but rather to teach the local church how to have a balanced Christian life and ministry, how to reach the lost, how to minister to those in need.
Teaching and training is definitely where our gifts are, and we are honored to be able to use them for Gods' kingdom!
Also, our aim is to work with children and young people that have had a very hard life so far, not necessarily just the ones at Casa de Fe. We also work with several ministries and churches that work with young people on the streets and in the sex trade. Our goal is to teach them that God is always with us, He never forsakes us; teach them about having a personal relationship with Him, and that His love can show us a way to live away from the bitterness of the past, live a life of victory that can truly make a difference; and raise them up to reach their generation with the truth of the Lord.
Our desire is to heal the brokeness of this generation of Ecuadorians and raise them up to be the next generation of Christian Leaders.
Lastly, we also combine those two aspects of ministry, assisting the local churches with workshops and teaching on how to teach Sunday school and work in youth group ministries, assisting them to form Sunday school teachers and youth group leaders; teaching the importance of reaching the 'least of these' with the love of Jesus Christ.
He makes all things beatiful in His time. Ecclesiastes 3:11