We work with a lot of different pastors, from many different backgrounds, and in many different places. Some of them are in established churches and denominations in the city, while others just feel Gods calling on their lives, and have started a small church in their village to teach others about the word of God.
Almost none of the pastors, even in the cities, receive a salary. It is a calling, not a job, and many of them have to hold a part time job in order to be able to provide for their families. In the jungle, each pastor not only has the church in his local village, but also visits many other villages around where he is, all while he also has his own farm that he has to take care of in order to feed his family.
Many of them have never had the opportunity to study God's word, or have someone teach and train them; and so are susceptible to false teaching coming in. Without a strong base and balance in what the Bible says about salvation, faith and the christian life, any of us as believers can be "swayed by any wind of false doctrine." I have seen the effects of what a teaching based on culture, personal beliefs or what sounds good can do to a church and community, rather than teaching based on biblical principle and doctrine.
We support and empower them in many different ways. Teaching and training both basic doctrine and how to study Gods word, as well as ho to fulfill the many responsibilities of a pastor, such as baptisms, funerals, counseling, etiquette, etc...
In some cases we are asked to hold seminars our teaching sessions in the church, with the whole congregation. In other areas, we provide them with spiritual oversight and counsel, either alongside their denominational leadership, or in many cases for those that are not part of a denomination. We also are working together with Nations Network of Ministers, a non-denominational ministry through which we are credentialed, to provide not only spiritual covering, but also legal covering, for those pastors that need this type of covering. But wether it be in an official capacity, or a more personal one, whenever they ask for this care, we answer the call!
Each pastor and leader is different, as is each community and need; but we are excited to see what God is doing in and through each one of them!!