Our base for empowerment.
It is our firm belief that God has called us not to do the great work here in Ecuador, but rather to support the national pastors and churches in their efforts to reach their own. This can take on many forms and faces, depending upon the work to be done and the amount of need.
One thing we always do is make sure that we do not start a project or ministry that is not backed by the local church. We have seen so many times people or organizations come in and start something, be it a church, a social project, kids club, etc and then have everything either fizzle out because no one was able to lead the ministry forward, or blow up because it caused strife and even some competition between different ministries.

One of the things that God used to call us into this type of ministry, was what we saw while we were pastoring in the southern part of the country. We were one of the few evangelical churches in the whole province, and yet every time we would go to visit a town or village, we were told "such and such a missionary or such and such a church" had gone to that village, and gotten a lot of people to raise their hands as a sign that they accepted the gospel, sometimes with numbers in the hundreds. However, every single time we would go into those villages, there would be maybe one or two believers, no more.
Discipleship is a key part to the christian walk. "Go Ye into all the world and teach the gospel, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, teaching them.." Another thing that God used to call us into the ministry was seeing the local city and jungle pastors, their love for God, his word and his people, and yet their need for help.
Almost none of the pastors, even in the cities, receive a salary. It is a calling, not a job, and many of them have to hold a part time job in order to be able to provide for their families. In the jungle, each pastor not only has the church in his local village, but also visits many other villages around where he is, all while he also has his own farm that he has to take care of in order to feed his family.
Many of them have never had the opportunity to study God's word, or have someone teach and train them; and so are susceptible to false teaching coming in. Many of them have the desire to learn more about Gods' word, and more on how to minister to their churches, to the youth, and to the children, as well as to the social and cultural issues that each one faces.
The ministry is not our own. We make sure that it is understood that the church/workers that are involved will continue the work. Apart from the teaching aspect of our ministry, we always make sure that we are asked to assist, rather than telling them what to do; that way the project is theirs. Too often we have seen that when missionaries come in and start something, or build something; it then belongs to them, rather than to the local church. There is no sense of ownership or responsibility, but a dependence on man rather than God. That is not our desire, but we are here to EMPOWER the local christian church and its leaders.
Our mission is simple:
provide support to the local church and its leaders.
This happens in many different ways and forms, and each place and person has its own unique strong points and struggles.
On the right you can see links to a few of the different areas in which we minister in, and a little of information about each.
To read more about our day to day ministry, you can read our BLOG, which we try and keep up to date as much as possible! you can also see some of the activities and pictures on our Facebook.