My name is Cinthia Vega and I am 34 (2020) years old. I was born in Santa Rosa, Ancash, Peru in 1986. When I was three years old my parents first heard the gospel, and so I was raised in a Christian home. When I was nine years old God called me specifically to serve Him in missionary service.
At age 14, I was baptized in water and began to serve God as His daughter. After finishing high school I went to the capital to work and congregate in the Central Church of Lima. During that time God spoke to me that it was time to serve Him.
In the First South American Conference of my church in Peru, God used a servant of his to tell me that it was time to serve Him. The message of the sermon was "a new generation with the old vision." And as a confirmation of his calling on my life I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
In 2005 the doors opened to come to Ecuador to support pastors in different churches here. In April 2006 I came to the Amazon region of Ecuador to work with Pastor Elvis and his wife Grace. I served God supporting them in the church in Tena, Ecuador for 6 years, and that is also where I met my husband, Mark.

My name is Mark Blosser, and I am 31 (2020) years old. I was born in the Connecticut, USA in 1989. I praise the Lord that I was born in a Christian home, where I was taught early on biblical principles. My parents dedicated me before I was born to the work of God, to serve Him wherever he called me. When I was 5 years old I accepted Christ as my Savior, and the Holy Spirit came to dwell in my heart, to guide me and instruct me in this walk with God.
When I was 11, in a missions conference at our church, God called me to his service, to be a missionary. Also at the conference I followed the example of Jesus to be baptized in water. Since that night I have had the calling to reach the lost, to preach to the people who live without Christ in their lives; to announce the Good News of Jesus to the world.
Not long after that, my family and I moved to another state. In the church we attended, they supported a missionary named Elvis in his ministry in Surinam. There we would write to him, and I mentioned that I also had a call, and that was the desire of my heart to work in the mission field. After several years, in 2007 or 2008, Pastor Elvis, who was now a missionary in Ecuador, his wife's native country, visited our church in New York. One night we invited him to come to dinner with us in our house. he then invited me to help with the work in Ecuador. So in the year 2009, I came to live in Ecuador with my parents and my brothers.
It has been six years now that I have lived here, and although it was difficult to get used to a new culture, new customs, and most of all, a new language, God has been faithful in everything; and I can see his hand guiding each step of my life. I spent three years supporting Pastor Elvis in the church in Tena, working with the youth, the children, ministering in rehabilitation centers and also in the worship ministry.

Together Forever
In 2010 Cinthia and I started courting, and in early 2011 we announced our engagement. On April 14, 2012, we were married in the church where we had been serving in Tena. It is a wonderful blessing to be married to the woman of my dreams, that God had for me since before I was born.
We have seen God glorified and he manifests himself in all of our journey when we put Him first, and I can safely say that He makes everything beautiful in its time. It is our goal individually and for our marriage to serve him all of our lives, and that the name of God may be glorified in our life and death.