Fundacion Casa de Fe (House of Faith)
A haven for abandoned and special needs children in the heart of the amazon
A blog of our time at Casa de Fe, and what we were able to accomplish while there!

God called us to serve at Casa de Fe in the month of December, 2014. The orphanage was going through a time of transition and needed a number of volunteers to fill vacated positions. For the first 6 months plus, I have had a lot of different responsabilities here, besides my position as chaplain. Some are very important things, like the Volunteer and Team Coordinator, Translator, Teacher at the school, helping out with HR and payroll/finances, etc...
However, our desire has always been to see the relationship with and love for God grow in each and every life that has a part at Casa; whether it is the children themselves, their families, the workers and their families, the volunteers, or the community that has contact with the home. We are now wanting to focus mostly in these areas, knowing that it is the most important part of any Christian foundation: just as the vision says:
We believe that our special needs, abused, and abandoned children are special children of our God, who makes no mistakes in His creation and who commands each of us to care for and love “even the most humble among us.” It is our desire to share in God’s work with our prayer, financial and volunteer partners in a way that honors and glorifies Him. We hope to serve and minister to all whom God brings to Casa de Fe: the children, missionary staff, native construction workers and caretakers, and visitors.
It is our desire and goal to fulfill this providing for their physical, spiritual, and educational needs in a loving supportive environment, with the ultimate goal of assisting each of God’s children to achieve their highest potential in His Kingdom; that everyone that comes in contact with Casa can feel the presence and love of God, that the childrens' families, the volunteers and the workers can know that there is someone they can go to in time of need. That the children that go out from here, whether it be reinserted with family, or adopted into new homes; can go with a strong faith and confidence in their Saviour, and that they can be part of the next generation of Ecuadorians that will rock this world for Jesus!
CASA DE FE is different from other orphanages in the sense that only a small percentage of the children there are actually true orphans, with no living mother or father. We have children with many different stories, and many trials from their past, but our goal is to give each and every one a different future.
Some of the children are with us for a short time, and then re-inserted with a relative or put up for adoption; others, for example some of the older girls or the special needs children, may never be adopted. So we have a wide variety of needs and opportunities at the orphanage, and a great necessity
every day to be led by the Spirit in the decisions made. The goal is to build individual housing, where every house can hold 4-5 children and its respective houseparents, and thus give a more home-like atmosphere while the children are with us. We also desire to start a basic life skills program, including gardens, chickens, fish, cooking and sewing, so that the children can continue to learn on all fronts and be equiped for whatever decision they make for their future. Another goal is to start a transition home for the older girls from 16-18 years old; that way they can start to ready themselves for the time that they will be adults. Please keep the orphanage, us and our ministry here in your prayers. They are much appreciated!
<To see more pictures, click the image above>
<If you would like to learn more, please visit their website>
Different pictures of the faces and activities at Casa de Fe over the last several years. We are so blessed to be a part of these children lives, and to show them that their life is a gift from our loving Father!
This is a promotional video about the different areas of ministry at Casa de Fe, as well as a look into the daily routine.