Well, it has been a crazy day! With full busses, (Esteban and I standing on the way to church this morning because there are no seats),...
So, It has been a month now that Thalia has been living with us, and it is going well!! Slowly but surely she is adapting to living in a...

Visiting Tena
So, we have had a great time this weekend visiting in Tena. We spent a bit of time with my parents, and also went to a wedding on...

Latest news from Casa de Fe
Greetings from the Chaplain!! “The Love of God is greater far, than tongue or pen can ever tell…God’s love so measureless and strong,...
Sunday School
Just a quick praise about Sunday School. Today was an amazing day!! God is so good. We had an amazing time at Casa de Fe today! Cinthia...

Graduations at the local Seminary
Today we had an amazing day visiting the local bible seminary, and taking part in the graduation of 9 brothers and sisters. It was an...

More rain and flooding
This past Thursday it rained almost all night!! There was more flooding, although nothing major here in Shell. Unfortunately, not so...
Paperwork update
Well, yesterday I went to Tena to continue to work on our paperwork, and get some things to present at the embassy...ran into several...