More rain and flooding
This past Thursday it rained almost all night!! There was more flooding, although nothing major here in Shell. Unfortunately, not so...
Paperwork update
Well, yesterday I went to Tena to continue to work on our paperwork, and get some things to present at the embassy...ran into several...
Sunday blessing
Today we had a great blessing for our Sunday service at Casa de Fe. Pastor Jon and brother Greg, a carpenter, are at Casa de Fe building...
Saturday woodworking
So, today we went up to Casa de Fe to spend the day there, Cinthia and the boys playing with the kids at the house,while I was at the...
Prayer time
Yesterday and today I took some time for prayer and direction for this new year. I went to a christian camp that is nearby, and spent two...
New years eve!
Well, we had a very nice New years eve with just our small family last night!The custom in South America (I don't know if it's in all...
Flash flooding in Shell!
So, last night we had some major flooding in parts of Shell! It was amazing, because it didn't rain that hard here in Shell, rather...
Christmas at Grandpas!!
Over the river and through the jungle, to grandmothers house we went!! SO, we took Tuesday and Wednesday off to go and spend some time at...