Yesterday the earth shook quite hard here in Shell!! There was a 5.6 magnitude earthquake about 30km on the other side of Puyo, and it...
Ministry in Puerto Napo
Friday We had a great time of ministry alongside my dad in Puerto Napo, about two hours from Shell. The three young guys from the states...

We had a great time this week at the Bible Seminary CEMIM. Around 25 students from different jungle communities, and several from nearby...

We moved to Ecuador with my family when I was 19 years old. Even before getting a good hold on the language, I started working in church...

Children's Campaign in Puyo
Yesterday we had a great day at the Christian Missionary Alliance church in Puyo! We have been assisting Pastor Victor for some time now,...

San Jose de Palora
Last week, after Karin, I spent three days helping the same team with their ministry in a community called San Jose de Palora. We have...

Viaje a Karin
Last Saturday morning, I left home at 3 o'clock in the morning to go to Puyo and catch a five o'clock bus to the Shuar community of...

Two weeks ago, I was asked to teach in the bible seminary for their September classes. One of the teachers that was scheduled didn't show...