Viaje a Karin
Last Saturday morning, I left home at 3 o'clock in the morning to go to Puyo and catch a five o'clock bus to the Shuar community of...
Two weeks ago, I was asked to teach in the bible seminary for their September classes. One of the teachers that was scheduled didn't show...
Josiah's Kids Clubs
The story of the child King Josiah can be found in II Kings 22 and 23. Josiah was only a boy when he was crowned king, but the bible says...
Visa trip
So, it was a great trip to quito, where we were able to spend some time together as a family, and then headed to the embassy to apply for...
VBS at Casa de Fe
So, we had a great week at VBS! At VBS last year, we had some amazing breakthroughs and experiences with the adolescents and teens at...
3 Ways to Know If an "Open Door" is from God
Just because an opportunity presents itself, and it looks appealing, doesn't necessarily mean it is from God. And likewise, just because...
Blessings from the Chaplains desk: But Jesus said, "Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them! For the kingdom of heaven...
Let go and Let God
This song came up in a Facebook memory today, and reflects a lot on what I have been thinking about recently. "The secret of life is...