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Flooding in Shell!

Well, Yesterday afternoon at the kids club in our house, it started raining so hard that the kids stayed almost another hour here before the rain let up and they could go home. It didn't rain very long, but the rain came down extremely hard, even for us being on the edge of the rainforest!!

This morning, we found out that it had rained so hard, that several rivers had flooded; both here in Shell, and also in Puyo. The Shell dique once again overflowed, but thankfully only a little bit of it was damaged, and the bridge is still intact.

Unfortunately, although no lives were lost here in Shell, One man did die in Puyo. A group was in one of the rivers swimming, and the river rose so fast that one gentleman was caught in the rushing water. He finally made it out ok, but a friend of his, who had jumped in to try and help him, was swept away by the fierce waters. As of yet, they have not found his body.

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