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You are a missionary? You are a missionary!! (Reflections on missions, part 6)

On this final part of missions, I hope I haven't lost anyone in the length of these blogs, of my ramblings, or through the directness of them. They were not meant to accuse or condemn, but rather were meant to shake us, to get us to reflect. And that is the point of this last blog, to reflect; because honestly, what I have shared are personal stories, and personal views; and what I honestly think is greatly lacking in todays missions. But, we each have our own personal calling, our responsibility before God, to do what it is he has called us to do individually. We all have a part, but only God can tell us what that part is, in our personal calling to walk in the will of God. However, the universal calling of God for his church still stays the same.

Reading Matthew 28:19, the great commission, the verse from yesterdays blog, in Greek, gives us an interesting look into the mind of our Savior. Because, most translations have it down, "Go ye into all the world". The original has the feeling of 'As you go into all the world'. And that is a calling for everyone, not just those of us that leave our homes to follow Gods' call to one field of missions or another. It is for his whole church.

So, what is your part? It's to get involved in missions! Each one of us have gifts and talents, some, to go to another country, some, to reach those in their own country, or in their own community. There is so much to do, so much discipling, so many needs. Hey, God may be calling you to get involved in social work, or in evangelistic missions; and I'm not going to stand in the way of that! Everyone has a part, wether it's actually going, or supporting in prayer and giving, both are equally important. Both are rescuing the ones in the pit, those that go down the rope, and those that support from the top, holding that life line firm and strong.

Just, always be encouraging and looking to encourage those that are doing the follow up, the training, the discipling. It can be a very unknown and forgotten work, because you don't see results right away, as you can in the other fields of missions. But I feel that it is the most important field, and the one we most forget about! As a missionary on the field, I can personally testify to what a word of encouragement means. Even if it's just a small note, saying that you are praying for them, this is one of the things that a missionary always needs!

May God help us to raise up true disciples, who follow God and his word, trust at his word, and obey it...and then teach others to do the same!! This is our calling, this is our Great Commission, this is the mission field, each field of missions doing their part to bring the kingdom of God to those that still need it! And, remember...if you don't always see results right away, that's ok. One of the two sayings that have stuck with me throughout my christian life and ministry, and old time preacher told me once, 'God doesn't call us to bring him results, he calls us to be obedient to him'. How true that is! Lets not worry about the results, but lets walk in obedience; and he will take care of the rest. Who knows how many people will come to you in heaven, and say 'Thank you' for something you don't even remember doing, one act of obedience, one act of giving or praying; in Heaven, we will see the results of our labors!

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