Sunday School material
This week we have been able to put together three packs of Sunday school material to give away! Several people have bought down crayons...
Please pray for us as a family, and our health...Daniel is facing several health problems, that may have something to do with allergies....
Teams at Casa
This past week we were blessed to see some old friends, and be able to help them in their stay here in Shell! A team from the states came...

This week I taught in the bible seminary CEMIM, to a group of around 35 people, among them pastors, spiritual leaders of different...

Discipleship classes
The end of February a local church asked me to help put together, teach and translate some basic discipleship classes for some local...

Esteban in Sunday School
Esteban is starting to get used to going to the nursery in Sunday School...I go with him every week, and am slowly leaving him there more...

Daniel in Sunday School
Sunday school in Puyo is going well. Cinthia continues to teach the 9-12 year olds, and teach/train the young lady who is assisting her,...

Kids club and training in Rio Negro
We had a great day yesterday in Rio Negro. The club went well, had a great time with the children that came. A number of the children...