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Starting school!

Daniel and Esteban start school this week! Daniel is starting 3rd grade, and Esteban is starting kindergarten. They are studying here in Puerto Napo, where 600-700 students (possibly more, not all come the first week, either cause they are still on their farms, or have not yet been able to buy the school supplies.) from pre-K to 12th grade study in the morning. There is also evening classes at the same school, for young adults wanting to finish their education, and a catholic school that holds almost the same number of students; so Puerto Napo has a lot of young traffic coming through it on weekdays!! Some estimate between the two schools and night clases, 2,000 students study here, which is a lot for a town of 6000 inhabitants! Many of the students come from the surrounding communities, some traveling up to two hours to come and study here in Puerto Napo.

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