Ecuador in statistics.
Below I am translating a piece the I wrote a while back, using statistics to raise awareness of teenage pregnancies and the problems the...

Flooding in Shell!
Well, Yesterday afternoon at the kids club in our house, it started raining so hard that the kids stayed almost another hour here before...

Trip to Karama, Feb. 2019
So, we had a great trip into the jungle village of Karama, visiting the pastor and his family, checking on the building of the church...

Kids Club Materials
With the start of the new year, we are checking in with all of the different kids clubs and Sunday Schools, and also taking on a few...

Daniel and Soccer!!
Yesterday, Daniel started soccer again! He really enjoys playing, and kept asking when the classes would start again after the christmas...

You are a missionary? You are a missionary!! (Reflections on missions, part 6)
On this final part of missions, I hope I haven't lost anyone in the length of these blogs, of my ramblings, or through the directness of...
The sexiness of missions. (Reflections on missions, part 5)
First, I would like to say that unfortunately, this is not my term, although I wish I could say it was. "The sexy part of missions" is a...
Missions Then and Now. (Reflections on missions, part 4)
Do times change, or do we change with the times?? How many times have you heard something similar to this thought before?? Haw many...