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Too much rain!!!

Early Friday morning I started a 7 hour bus ride to go into the jungle to visit a Shuar community, to encourage and share with the christians and the church leaders in that village. Unfortunately, although after mid-day it no longer rained, The bus was unable to cross the last big river a little before the village. These roads are all made up of river rock, and rather than cutting through the terrain, they move with it, which can make for a very shaky trip, as well as sometimes not being able to cross the rivers. We were able to get by the first one ok, but the second one was still impassible, and so the bus turned around and drove back. I went back to Puyo, where I grabbed a hotel to spend the night, hoping that this morning the weather would have stayed clear and the river would have gone down, but this morning it started to rain again, and so i turned around and went home. We will have to postpone the trip, but that's ok...these things happen in the jungle!

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