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Spirit, flow through me!

The goal, the end game of the Christian Life is not to live a sinless life, and it is not even to make disciples...those are by-products, secondary effects to the real end game...the reason Jesus Christ died on the cross was so we could have our relationship with the Father restored, the gap bridged...that his love, power and Spirit would flow through us in such a way that our lives would be a testimony to his power and his love!

In your christian walk, what do you usually focus on?? Trying to find someone to share the love of God with? Or are you too busy trying not to fall in temptation, staying away from sin? When our focus is on either of these things, we will fail...because it is not what he requires of us. God wants us to have a deep relationship with him, that we could experience him in a new and meaning way each and every day. Then, we will live our lives guided by that love, and he will keep us in our temptation, keep us from sin, and he will bring us to the people that we are meant to share his love with!

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