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VBS in Puyo, Ecuador

It is so hard to know where to start in telling you about our VBS we held in Puyo the middle of July!! It was so awesome, from start to finish, and the long hours in between! Preparation for this VBS started several months ago, meeting with the different people who where going to be assisting with the many tasks during VBS. Some where sundays school teachers, some kids clubs leaders and workers, and others where ladies and youth that had a desire to start doing more for God, and minister to the children. We had over thirty assistants, all but a few of whom showed up every single day for the trainings, preparation and decorating days, rehearsals, the 5 days of VBS, and the clean up day afterwards. Such an amazing group of people, we were truly honored and blessed to be able to work with them, to see their love for children ministry grow, as well as their knowledge and aptitude, and are exited to continue to work with them in the future!

Our theme for VBS this year was Soldiers for Jesus, where we mixed a daily theme from the armor of God, soldier songs like 'I may never march in the infantry', puppet stories, a different bible story each day based on the pieces of armor (Salvation, Faith, Righteousness, etc) as well as a Roman soldier craft to teach the children important truths from Gods Word. The goal for this VBS was specifically an outreach goal, with an invitation extended to the various different clubs in the area that we work with, as well as announcements over the radio and on facebook. We were hoping to reach 200 kids total, more than twice the amount of last year, and so prepared for that amount, breaking up into different stations and groups, creating a rotating schedule for each group of kids, and borrowing tents so as to have enough room for each station. Monday at one o'clock in the afternoon, we arrived, prepared for a 5 day, 4+ hours a day evangelistic VBS with the workers and kids.

The result was incredible, outstanding, and supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!! I am totally at a loss as to describe the emotions, feelings, fun and satisfaction that we had that week!! it was beyond doubt a God week!!

We had some amazing songs and choreography, as well as a great team to lead!

We ended up having a total of over 250 kids come, and reached over 30 families that do not attend church! Although it was big than we expected, everyone stepped up to the plate, and God provided the extra funds needed in a marvelous way! It was such an amazing time! The event was open for kids ages 4-15 years old, and we divided them into age groups. The biggest group was platoon C, the 8 and 9 year olds, on Wednesday..51 kids in one group! On Friday, we invited the parents to come at the end of the normal VBS time, were the kids presented what they learned during the week, and then we tried to take a group picture. We couldn't fit everyone in the picture!!! It was still a great time, and at the end we shared a meal with all of the kids and their families, as well as inviting them back for Sunday school! And several did show up on Sunday!

All in all, it was truly a blessed week, a lot of seeds were sown in young hearts and minds...and everyone had fun! Even the adolescents and pre-teens, who regardless of what country they live in, are usually aloof to such going-ons, had a great time, and participated very well! For next year, we realized that we need even more helpers, a bigger place to hold it, and more funds, because everyone came away asking when we would have it next year! (Some even asked if we were going to have VBS for the whole month!) We want to thank God for the people who helped; teaching, singing, making crafts, preparing more than 1,000 snacks, and platoon leaders, helping guide the kids from one station area to another. Thank you for those who support us financially, who supported specifically for the event, and all who were praying! We spent well over $700 on the event, but the spiritual increase will be seen from now until eternity, in the lives of the children who were touched.

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