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Assisting in teaching children ministry workers.

I spent this last week assisting a ministry in teaching many techniques over several different areas of children ministry. The ministry Salva-chicos, from Texas, USA, along with the Ecuadorian ministry, mas que nosotros mismos, based in Guayaquil, Ecuador, was moving around several different cities, gathering in anyone from any of the evangelical churches that wanted to come and lear more about children and youth ministry, specifically in evangelizing children who are not yet reached with the gospel.

They spent a week in Riobamba, a big mountain city, with 222 people in the seminar, and participating in a big evangelistic event on the last day. After Riobamba, they went to Puyo, where I had been asked by the church we attended while living there to assist with some of the logistics. After four days in Puyo, they came to Tena for a lighting one day long seminar.

It was such a blessing to be able to meet the different team members, learn more, and be able to also assist them in several different ways. In Puyo, 85 people from 10 different churches attended the 4 day seminar, with focus and teaching on different children ministry points and tips, as well as specific training in four areas: mime/drama, puppets, clown and dance. On the last day, we went out and did some evangelizing in the park with the children, and each group participated. In Tena, they only did one day teaching, but there was over 130 people present, from 15 different churches.

It was truly a blessing to be able to assist this great team, and we look forward to being able to serve together again, if God permits. In the meantime, we will be able to use some of the new techniques we have learned in our teaching and training of the local and jungle churches. God is good!!

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