12 years of Discipleship
The terms "missions", "missionaries", and "missions field" can be pretty general terms at times, and can encompass a lot of different aspects of ministry and service to God. I personally believe that one of the areas that is the most important, and so often most neglected, is that of discipleship. It is very important to preach and evangelize, but if that does not go hand in hand with teaching, discipleship, and an example of daily living, the seed that is sown so often falls by the wayside.
From the beginning of our times here in Ecuador, even before we married, Cinthia and I have felt that this is the area that God has called us into, to disciple, support, and empower the local church, and the individual youth and leaders to serve God to the utmost of their capacity, for His highest glory.
Today, that still remains our main focus, not to be the only ones on the front lines, but rather to support and empower those that we disciple, to exponentially increase the reach of God's word through the lives of those that work alongside us here in Ecuador.
That has a different aspect depending on the area we are in, or the focus of ministry, but I would like to share the story about three young ladies, who have been a part of our discipleship for over a dozen years now. At the time, they were adolescents and youth under our teaching in the local church, even before we were married, and afterward, until God moved us south to plant a church. They continued to grow and deepen their faith and commitment to God, until today, two of them are married, one with children, and one serves alongside her husband as the leader of the same adolescent group in the same local church, another is a Sunday school teacher, and another teaches at the Christian school in the city of Tena.
We had them over a few Saturdays ago for a time of fun and laughter and sharing, where we killed, cleaned, barbequed, and ate a number of chickens we had around the house. It was such a wonderful time of sharing together, and to see how each of them has developed in their walk with and service to the Lord. we also planned a few upcoming events where they will be assisting us in reaching out and disciplining others, in the area of children's ministry.
Discipling can often be overlooked and underrated, as the results are not instant, or even monthly. But slowly, day by day, step by step as we walk along in this calling from the Lord, growth comes, and before we know it we are surrounded and blessed by other ministries, and dedicated lives that have sprung up around us.