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Why are we not pastoring??


It's been more than once that we've been asked that. "Why did you stop? What, you aren't pastoring a church? Are you going to start another church? You know you can't have an effective ministry without a church that you pastor, right?" We have even been condemned for leaving pastoring, and told that we are "less" servants of God because now we are "just missionaries"!

It is so great to know that you are in the center of Gods will. What peace, what comfort! It doesn't matter what others may say, I know that I have more of HIS blessing and support because when he called us to come follow Him, we did. Do I miss pastoring sometimes? Certainly. But God opened the door, and we had to follow His leading! So, I guess the answer to that question is just one word....Obedience.

God has called us to something we feel that is higher, more important in these times that we live. Discipleship. If I start a church, I can reach maybe 100 people a week with Gods Word. However, if we teach His word to Christian leaders, all of a sudden our ministry suddenly becomes multiplied many times over!

We have a lot of churches today (and this problem isn't just in Ecuador!) that have heard the word of God, have a basic understanding, but what they hear around them from the traditonal church and men who make a living of the gospel has inhibited a greater depth in the Word of God and in their daily walk and relationship with him. Today, too many are preaching something that they heard or think, rather than a specific Word from the Lord for their congreation.

And I believe that the answer is not for us as missionaries to start our own churches in order to preach the truth. The answer is in the Ecuadorian Christian leaders themselves. Never have I seen a greater desire to know the truth than in these brothers. All they need is for someone to teach them, and they can reach the church with the Truth that sets us free!

That is our desire and teach them to study the Word, how to walk day by day seeking guidance and direction from the Lord...And teach them how to teach others to teach others! That is the way that Jesus went about His ministry!

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