Progress in Christian Ed.
I love it when on a cloudy rainy day, the sky breaks open and you not only can see the sun, but you can also distinguish his rays falling down on the earth. What a sight, what a blessing, what strength that can give, what hope!

Today I gave the final exams for the 5th and 6th grades Christian Education class that I have been teaching with another missionary. It was only two times a week, which isn't much time to teach, but we were able to teach them some basics about what is a relationship with God, what that looks like, and how to have one with our Lord.
It was such a blessing, to see how much their grades improved (not that we are looking for just good grades, or just knowledge...but to see an understanding, and to see what they wrote on the more personal questions of the exam, was such a breakthrough, such great encouragement!)
When I sat down at lunch to look over their answers and grade their work, I could see progress and much improvement from past tests. Although some the answers (and for some of the students, more so!) were incorrect, a lot of them where more that they did not take the time to read the question. When I sat down with each of them afterwards, and we talked about their answers, and I explained to them why that answer was incorrect, you could see that they understood. Thank you Lord! Know give them and us the srength to walk in that realtionship with you in everyday living!