End of School Year Field trip!

Today, we went on a field trip with all of the school children and the team that is here now. It was a great time of swimming, soccer and singing songs. Unfortunately, i do not have pictures of all of it, but it was a great time! Thankfuly, although the day started out raining really hard, it cleared up for most of the time that we were at the pool (although that doesnt affect the kids, I have seen them go swimming in pouring rain, but it made it nice for us older people!)
We walked the 15 blocks to the pool, and then had a prayer, and while the older children went and played soccer, we stayed with the younger ones singing some songs and playing some games, including musical chairs with a grownup sitting on the chairs! Although the children enjoyed these activities, the highlight was definitely swimming! While the younger ones swam in the toddlers pool, the olders ones just swam, played with balls in the water, or fished coins out of the bottom of the pool that I threw in.
Although I went not planning on getting wet, I did have my swimming clothes on in case I had to jump in and fish someone out of the water...this may not have been such a good idea, as I was pushed in a total of 7 times by different of the kids!! But we had a great time!
<For more pictures, you can click the image above>