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I thought I had more time!!

I have often heard stories about what happens when youth go through 'those teenage years'. Living now on this side of them, and more so being a parent, I think I can understand a little what me and my brothers made our parents go through. However, I have always heard that it can be o-so-much more so with young girls, and have always wondered 'What am I going to do when that time comes, when that young guy knocks on the door, what am I going to do with those clothes, that music, etc...' I have always comforted myself by saying that that was years down the road, maybe by that time I will understand women more(LOL), or any other number of things us fathers say to ourselves for self-encouragement!

Today I was brought up short by a surprise blessing. And I stress blessing, because it has been a prayer and goal of ours. One of the older(midteen) girls came to me today to share a little with me, and I was able to talk to her a little about how to live a life for God, looking towards and preparing for a future without it affecting her present. It is an answer to prayer to see them opening up more, coming to us for advice, prayer, etc... But it did catch me off guard. When I shared about it with my wife, we prayed and will be praying more for Gods direction and guidance on how best to minister to these, His children.

We ask that you would pray for us as we start to have youth group in our house on Friday evenings, that God will allow us to impart His word to them, and that we can be there for them as they continue to learn more about him and follow him in their daily walk; and that the Lord with be faithful with words to share that will impact their lives.

Still....should I get a shotgun???

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