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These last three days we have had the blessing of a team from the Christian Community Church in Crossroads, TN doing a Vacation Bible School with all of the kids here.

It was a blessing to see their commitment to our Lord and the children, to see how the interacted with children and to see how their lives and the childrens were touched.

The theme of the VBS was 'God is faithful!'

The first day they shared the story of Noahs Ark, the second day was Daniel in the Lions Den

(with the children playing the part of the Lions!!) and the third day was The Fiery Furnace.

The children were split up into three different age groups, and each group in turn came upstairs and did a number of different activities. We started the day off with some songs, afterwards there was a drama that they shared with the kids about that days story, showing how God is faithful, then a craft and some games. The children had fun picking the songs to sing, and after the story the were asked questions to see how muc they learned.

It is such a blessing to have teams come alongside and help share of Gods love and faithfulness to the children, and to see them receiving Gods word in thier lives. Please continue to pray that God would give us the strength ang guidance to continue to shine His love into their lives.

<Click on the picture above to see more pictures>

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