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This week.

This week has just flown by!! With school out, I am trying to spend a lot of time with the kids, helping them with the housework, playing, talking, etc...

We had a group of three people here for this week, and together with them, apart from the work I did in the office, and they did outdoors with the Maestros, we were able to spend a bit of time with the kids; taking the younger ones to the park one day (a real treat for them, as it has slides, swings, etc..) and another day taking the older ones to play soccer and basketball.

Friday evening we had the young ladies over again, and had a study on the Psalms where David says "search my heart, oh God", after which we watched a movie.

It has been a good week! Now I am getting ready to travel to Tena, to the 10th anniversary campaign of the MMM church there; the church where Cinthia and I met and where married.

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