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Gods glory in our Daily Life.

How good it is to be a child of God...I don't have to be perfect, I don't have to try to do everything right...All I have to do is know Him...And he will do his perfect work in my life.

The apostle Paul said 'That I may know Him' his desire, his aim in life was to know Christ, in every aspect of his life be more like him...because knowing is becoming His image. I have been touched by this song, and this story...and hope that they can be a blessing in your life as well.

Was I Jesus today? Did I hear his voice? Did I see his hand moving today?? If not, take a moment to ask him to allow you to see him today..It will revolutionize you day, and your life...and maybe touch someone else for eternity.

God does not look for extraordinary people...he wants to use ordinary people to do something extraordinary for Him! God use me today.

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