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Today has been a long and trying day, with some highs and some lows....

We started off the day with a birthday! Bridgitte turned 13 today, so we had a small gathering with the older girls upstairs, sang for her, gave her a few presents, words from her 'sisters' and said a prayer for her.

Also, I bought a small cake, which they plastered in her face! The tradition here is that, after you blow out the candle (or matchstick, as in this case!) the Birthday person has to take a bite out of the cake, without holding on to hands!

Piece of cake, right??

The only problem is, someone is always hovering behind you, waiting to push your head into the cake while you are taking the bite, so you end up with frosting all over your face! Today, since Thalia was holding the piece of cake, it was an easy task just to move it up a little too far!

Today also had a sad part to it. We said good bye to Wilson and Maria, who are going to two seperate orphanages in Ambato. They have been here for 5 years now, and are dearly loved by all here at Casa. God knows the reasons why he allows all things in our lives, and our prayer for all of the children here at Casa de Fe is that, wherever they go, they know that they have a family here, that pray for them; and that they never forget what they have learned here, and always treaure and nuture their realtionship with their Lord.

Tomorrow Evelyn, the Girl that we recently did the quincenera for, will be going back to live with her mom, and then Rosa, who has turned 18, will be leaving the orphanage as well. Please join with us in prayers that they will honour God wherever they go with their lives, and that they can be the Christians whos faith will influence their generation of Ecuadorians into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.

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