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A blessed visit

Today I accompanied David Griggs to the airport for his trip back to Canada. It was such a blessing to have him in our ome with us, to have him take part in our life and ministry for this week; and to share with him our ministry vision and goals, and getting wise counsel and guidance from him. Right when he was down here we had several things come up in the ministry and at the orphanage, so it was interesting how God worked it out to be able to have guidance in the decisions that had to be made!

David feeding one of our girls.

We spent a bit of time at the orphanage, where David got to know the people and the children there, as well as lend a helping hand in a number of areas!! It was such a blessing for us the time that he was here, and we pray that he will come back to visit soon!

God also provided the opportunity to witness to several Jehovahs Witnesses on my way back to Shell. I felt led and took a different route on the way home, and God led these people to me. Praise his name that when we listen to his voice, he always leads us in his paths!

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