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Teaching Puppet Ministry

Today I was blessed to be asked to help start a puppet ministry in the local church that my parents are a part of. God had already started a vision in the heart of one of the brothers there, and I was asked to give a some classes and ideas on how to use puppets to reach the lost with the Good News. It was a blessing to be able to work again in this area of ministry.

There where a total of 8 people there, of which at least 4 will be actively involved in this ministry, focusing mainly on evangelism for children, and as a tool to use in Sunday School and the Compasion Project that the church runs.

God is faithful, and all praise and glory go to him, for allowing us to share our experiences, and the little that we have learned in the years of our ministry, to be able to be a part of the start of this ministry in Puerto Napo. Our prayers and encouragement are with Brother Carlos, and the ministry that God has started there!

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