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Classes Start

First day of classes today here in Ecuador, which means a total change in the routine of things here at Casa de Fe and in the community.

At the orphanage it means the kids get up earlier, and the older ones that go to a Christian school near Puyo leave for school at 6:30, while the younger ones that go to school here start at 8:00. It also means a lot fo homework in the afternoon, and less time over all to spend with the kids in other activities.

I have been asked to teach Christian Education for grades k-3 here at our school, so that is going to be a bit of a challenge...there are only a total of 13 kids, but that age group has always been a bit harder for me...give me twice as many pre-tens and youth, and it goes a lot easier!!! But God is faithful...I have four classes every week, and until the material that me and my wife have bought arrives, I will be using what I have on great it is to serve the Lord in this way!!!

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