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Sunday School services at Casa de Fe

Today we finally have been able to start having Sunday School services at the orphanage!! What great progress to see this goal finally being fulfilled...God is faithful!

We are having the services in the afternoon, starting at 3oclock, where we sing some songs for the young children and then send them downstairs for their class and craft, while the youth and tias (caretakers that are on shift) stay upstairs for some songs and then a short message.

My wife is over the childrens

Sunday School part, while I am going to be sharing the word for the older ones. We are looking for more volunteers from the churches around us, people to help with sunday school, to help lead the singing, and to rotate sharing the Word. The services are also open to any of the workers and their families that are not on shift, but would like to we have quite a group!!

Please continue to pray that God will open more doors and give direction as far as the services, to be able to continue in the bible studies and other areas as well. Please pray that God would provide for teaching material and sound equipment (we have a guitar and drums, which we hope to use in the services, and for the older girls from the orphanage to use in the worship time). When it rains hard, it comes down on the rof so loud that at times you cant even hear yourself think, so a small speaker is going to be a neccesity for our services there.

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