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Our son is born!!!

Praise the Lord our son Esteban James was born at 9:00 this morning weighing almost 8lbs and 20.5 inches long, a very good size for a latina mother!

Yesterday afternoon we went to the ermergency room because she was starting to have some pain. Cinthia was only 36 weeks along, which caused a lot of concern, and the where trying to retain the birth as much as possible, because the do not have a preemies room at this hospital. they wanted to send us to a hospital several hours away, but couldn't find one with an open hospital bed. We were in the hospital all night, while they where making calls and telling my wife to try to hold back the contractions! About 7 in the morning, her contractions normalized and they took her to to the brithing ward. They were still very concerned about his gestation time, as where we because of our story with Daniel, and so we were praying, and God moved!! After he was born and the doctors saw his size, they where amazed and said that everything would be fine. We serve such a great God!!

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