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One year older, one year less to live!

Well, today I have turned 26 years young!!

It has been a good day, starting with Daniel waking me up with "Feliz Cumpleanos papa!!" Spent some time in the morning with my family, and then went to the orphanage, where to my surprise they had a cake waiting for me!! God is good.

For lunch Cinthia made breaded shrimp, which is one of my favourite, and Daniel had helped her make a cake as well!! For supper, Cinthia had homemade pizza for me to eat!!!

Also received notes, messages and phone calls from all around Ecuador and even all around the world!! People I have ministered with, been ministered by and ministered to all wishing me Gods best for my life! I am truly a blessed man!!

I can't ever be thankful enough, remembering all that I have done and have been, and yet God in his mercy uses me, picks me up when I fall and restores me when I seek him...we serve an awsome God, Father and Saviour!!

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