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Update Casa de Fe

Things are going well at Casa de Fe. We are still in constant prayer that the Lord would bring more people alongside us to help in the work here, especially as a team coordinator, which would free me up to be able to focus more on the Chaplain duties that I have.

I am in the middle of figuring out how to better utilize the time that I do have in implementing more time for devotionals and prayer in all departments at Casa de Fe. I have been able to coordinate and be somewhat involved in seperate devotions for most departments, and assign someone to be in charge when I am not available. The department still greatly lacking is the Tias, or caretakers of the children, mostly because of the change of shifts and rotating schedules, please join with us in prayer that God would lead us in how to best implent a devotional in that area.

We are also in the midst of working together with several people on getting a bugdet and business plan together for next year, as well as changes in the way teams and the oversight of the foundation, so overall I am very busy right now.

Please pray for wisdom and guidance during this time, that everything put into place would be for the honour and glory of our Lord.

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