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FBC Summit Team @ CdF

It was a great blessing to have another team here at the orphanage for the last week. They came in Saturday evening, and I met them Sunday morning at the Hotel. It was a blessing to spend time with them, get to know them and work together for our Lord and the children!

One of the big events of this week has been the fact that they participated in the church service. It was a blessing to start to involve the teams that are coming down in the church services that we are doing with the children, see the interaction and the presence of God that was there with us.

During the week, while the children were in school, we moved the kitchen to the second floor, and painted the ceiling of the kitchen and dining room on the first floor. After that dried, we had to bring everything back down again!

Also, we worked on building a structure to be used for chickens and pigs. The goal is to grow our own animals at the orphange, to teach the children responsabilities and to become more self-sufficient. We prepared the area beforehand, so once the team was here the work began moving rocks, preparing the floor to pour cement, and then the actual job of mixing the cement and hauling it up to where we where pouring the floor. On their last day here, we welded the frame for the structure. Now the job is to place the tin on the roof, and cement block the arear to hold the animals. The work is moving forward!

You can see pictures here.

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