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It has been a while!!

It has been a while since we have written anything in our blog!! Things have gotten so busy with the move, no internet, and Christmas activities that I have not been able to keep up with writing about it. You can read an overview about all that has happened here.

Lord willing we will be able to keep up with the day to dy activities from now on!!!

A quick note that is not included in the newsletter, is that 4 new children have arrived at Casa de Fe. Tey are a sibling group of three girls and one boy from a Home that closed in Riobamba, a city about 3 hours away from here. There are more and more homes closing around the country, especially in this area, and that means that probably more children will be coming in our doors this year.

Please pray for a quick and easy transition for them, and that God will provide this year for all of the children that look like will be coming into the foundation.



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