Jesus meets you where you're at

Jesus says to peter come. So peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came towards Jesus. Matt 14:29
I want to think about the way we live our lives. Here Peter does something extreme, something out of the box, off the cuff. Peter was learning to walk, he had his doubts, his bad times, things that he didn't he says Jesus, if that is really you showing up in my life, and not just some random dude showing off that he can walk on water, tell me to come towards you.
God will meet you where you are at, wether it be in a manger, in the field, on a boat, on a missions trip, in the classroom or bedroom; he will meet you with your doubts and your fears. He takes the broken, the doubtful and the needy, and cleans them up, gives them a life of victory and uses them for His honor and his glory.
God has chosen you, and he is using you, in this moment, wherever you are at; and he wants to become more real than ever before. God is never more real than in the moment we cry out to him in need, He will be right there, ready to give you his hand.
How do I live my life? Do I live it safe, stay in the boat, even if I need an answer from God, even if I need to know if it is really him appearing in my life? Or am I willing to obey his voice, take that step of faith, and do the impossible; whatever it takes to know that he is here working and moving in my life.
God is real, he speaks , he leads...he is much more than a mold, than a few magic words....He will do great things in your life and through your life, he wants to change you, give you that answer you have been seeking for, touch the people that are around you... He only asks that you take that step out of the boat, trust him...he will do the rest!