Chaplaincy at Casa de Fe

Working hard towards distilling my responsibilities at Casa de Fe in order to dedicate most of my time to the reason that God has called us to serve at Casa...some progress being made, and we are also learning more every day about how to best minister as a Chaplain...
Here is a great up lifter and example about why we do what we do!
From the Chaplain:
We are keeping very busy here at Casa de Fe, with a lot of work to do; but the wonderful thing is that we are seeing some progress in what we do! The spiritual side of the work done in any institution is often impossible to measure; because we can only prepare the ground of the hearts of the people with whom we work on a day to day basis, to plant the seeds. It is God that gives the growth and the increase, He that makes the difference. This is the case with the services that we are holding, and also the counseling with the kids…at times you can see the changes right before you, changes in attitude, changes in that moment…however, most of the changes are gradual, day to day baby steps, a long term investment in their life. And that is our goal, what we continue to work towards: a long term commitment in their lives. That is why we are continuing to work towards freeing up more of my time in the office and day to day work at Casa de Fe, so I can have more time to counsel, pray and spend time in God’s word with them. One praise that we want to share with you is that we are starting to see a lot more interest in reading the bible, especially in the younger kids. Even the ones that are just learning to read have that desire to read the bible! At school, when they are waiting for the kids in their classroom to finish the task on hand, they have time to pick a book and read, and more often than not they choose the bible!! Also, there are many other times when they ask to have time to read their bibles. God is good!