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De Viaje!! (Travelling)

Well, the Blossers are at it again!!! Another long, tiring trip, this time to the mountains of Peru!! I don't know if they just don't have anything else better to do, or what!! ;-)

In a little bit we are off on another adventure!! This time, we will be making a 26 hour trip (as long as the buses leave one right after another, which is very doubtful, especially considering the many different places which we have to change over buses) to Cinthias home village in Peru.

On this trip, we will be getting apostatized our marriage certificate and her birth certificate, so as to be able to present them here in Ecuador and the American Embassy. Slowly but surely the long line of paperwork is getting done. A big thank you to all of you who are giving and praying for us specifically for this process. It can be a long and tiring one under any circumstances, but in a Latin american country, it become even longer, more tiring and more costly. Thankfully, we have over half of the paperwork now completed, and all of these processes are only done once every 5 or 10 years.

We will make good use of this trip to also spend some time with her family, whom have not seen us in several years, and whom have not yet seen Esteban.

Lord willing we should arrive Sunday mid-morning, and I will be coming back towards the end of the week. Cinthia will stay with the boys over the weekend of the 5th, when she has to vote (voting here is obligatory, with heavy fines for those who don't comply) and then at some point the following week be coming back.

Please keep the trip in your prayers, safety, that it will go quickly; the time sharing the word in the mountain villages of Peru, my trip back alone (that I can make it for a week by myself without throwing my hands up in despair!!) and especially for Cinthia as she travels back with the two boys (I will be meeting her at some point along the way here in Ecuador, that way she doesn't have to change too many buses with the two boys.)

Also, please continue to keep in prayer the rest of the paperwork process; from here on out it is almost all at the american embassy, renewing my passport, getting the boys citizenship and a visa for Cinthia. Lord willing before too long we will have all of our paperwork in order, and be able to travel to the states to share about our ministry here in Ecuador.

Thank you for your prayers and support, if you would like to help us in this process, or with our ministry in general, please visit our webpage.

Stay tuned to hear more about our trip to Peru and the paper process!! (Due to the lack of internet on those foothills of Peru, I will write an update once I get back home.)

Also, coming soon, forward movement and changes at Casa de Fe!

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