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Learning about death

Well, today was a bit of a sad day at Casa de Fe. Over the weekend, one of the teachers others passed on from colon cancer. They had the viewing today, and so myself along with the other teachers, and a few of the workers that knew her well, took the 2nd and 3rd grade children to the viewing. Silvia, the teacher, teaches 2nd grade this year at the school, and taught the ones that are now in 3rd grade last year.

We weren't so sure how the children would behave at the viewing, but they all did very well, hugging Silvia and saying that they were sorry for her loss, sitting quietly in the seats, etc.. We stayed for about 20 minutes, and the kids had a lot of questions!! This was the first viewing that most of them have been at. I was able to answer their questions, and explain how death works, why the put a person in the casket, how it is that the body is still here, but she is dead, and many other questions!!

I was also asked to say a prayer before we left (here in ecuador, the viewings are held open-door, people are always coming and going.) I was able to pray for Gods peace and Spirit to be with each of the family and friends, and that this would be a good time to reflect on the brevity of life and the state of our own souls. Almost all of the family are not saved.

Even in the sadness, there was a moment of happiness/funniness; Aimar was asking me a lot of questions, and she just asked the really hard one about why they bury the body, where is she, etc...after I answered as best as I could, she turned to me and said, "you know everything, don't you." It was't even a question, but more a statement.

I was happy and proud, and at the same time sad. It is really too bad that life has not allowed here to be with her father during this time, where he can answer these questions and feel proud of being her father. My prayer is that in some small way, as long as I am a part of their lives, that I can be, even more than a pastor and a teacher to them, but i can be like a brother and a friend.

Thank you for being a part of our ministry, and making time like these happen!!!

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