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Travels, Long Nights, and Planning.

Well, I had quite a day yesterday afternoon and last night!! Cinthia's brother, who has been visiting from Peru for the last few weeks, went home yesterday, so I accompanied him to Macas, about three and a half hours from Shell, to help him get the right bus to travel to the Ecuadorian/Peruvian border.

After that, I took the opportunity to travel another hour south to Sucua, a town about the size of Shell, where we know a young married couple that are pastoring a good sized church there. I was given the opportunity to bless them with a word and song, and it was great to see the church family there and be able to bless them.

I also took the opportunity to do some more planning for a Children's crusade that we will be doing there the 12th of November. We are assisting the church there to do some puppets, games and have a great time working with the children of that town, and to get their Sunday school upgraded to accommodate more children. We will also be supplying the prizes and refreshments for the children. Please pray that Gods word can by placed into their lives, and that the children can have an enjoyable time!! If you would like to help us assisting this church with their Sunday School and outreach program, please shoot me an email and I can give you more information!

After the church service, I was able to spend a bit of time sharing with the pastor, hearing his plans and ideas on what the vision of their church looks like, and sharing some counsel and advice with him. Then, at midnight, We hopped on a bus to head back home. He was going to a christian camp to do a two day retreat, so we were able to give him a room to sleep in at our house and serve him in the morning before he headed on his way again. It was a very tiring trip, as we didn't get in until almost 4:00 in the morning, and then up again at 7:00.

The downside of the trip, even more so then not getting much sleep, was that i woke up this morning with a very upset stomach. I had to stay about 5 steps from the bathroom all morning, on account I believe from something that I was served yesterday, and wasn't able to go teach Christian Ed at Casa de Fe today, but all in all it was a great day!!

Praise the Lord for the opportunity to serve him and his servants here in this part of Ecuador! Thank you for partnering with us, because it is with your support that we are together able to assist the local church and their leaders reach the jungle of Ecuador with Gods' love!!!

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