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A quick note from the Chaplains desk

Hey everyone! I cannot believe how fast time is flying by here. Although here in Ecuador we don't see the seasons change too much, it is amazing to watch the change in each and every one of these children as the seasons pass. Each and every one of them are growing, getting older, facing growth and challenges in their own lives.

With the 9+ year olds on Sundays, we have been focusing on a number of different and interesting subjects and areas in our christian walk, and it has been a learning experience for each of them. Please keep us in prayer that there can always be unity, that these young ones fast growing into adulthood can learn more about the christian walk, what it means to be a believer and follower of Christ. The enemy comes in like a flood at times, but God is the one that raises up a banner over these children!!

In Christian Ed, things are going really well, the kids are definitely retaining not only the bible stories but also the lessons. It can be a challenge at times for me to teach in a classroom, but I am learning; and praise God for the chance to teach them from a young age!!!

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