Late night translating
I had a great opportunity last night to do some translating for some missionaries at a church in Banos. A good friend of mine came down for a short missionary trip, and I had the privilege of being able to translate for him and his group yesterday. I traveled half an hour up to Rio Negro, and met up with the there, and then we traveled another half hour on to Banos. After a great time of praise, worship and even miraculous healing, I translated for over two hours while they gave a seminar on marriage and relationships. The seminar ended after midnight, and by the time i got home it was 2:00 in the morning! But it was such a great blessing to see how the Word touches many of the people present lives, and also to be a blessing to the missionaries as well. We look forward to these opportunities to be a help and blessing to the local churches around us, and to make these connections....who knows what doors for service may be opened in the future!!