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Teaching in Rio Negro

On Friday we had the privilege of ministering in Rio Negro, a small village halfway between Shell and Banos. Sister Ana, who is the pastora there, had asked me a while ago if we would come and do a teaching about working in the Sunday School to the young people that are involved in ministry there. We had a total of ten youth that participated that evening with us.

First I shared a short message about living our lives in a way that is honoring to God and does not compromise our ministry, not by living a set of rules, but rather by setting aside every weight and living our lives for the glory of our Lord. It was an incredible time, and you could perceive their desire to learn and to serve God.

After the word, we had a time of teaching on the importance that the children have to our Lord, and the best way to teach them, as well as ideas on Sunday School materials and how to work with young [and sometimes difficult:-)] children. Cinthia shared most of this material, and I joined in a little. Afterwards we had a question and answer time, and then the Pastora offered a small snack which we all shared together.

It was great to see their hunger to serve God and reach their community, as well as their desire to serve their Lord in whatever capacity it is that he calls them too. A number of these young people are also the ones that lead worship in the services there!

Pastora Ana is the coordinator/teacher for the bible seminary thats operates locally, and has a great testimony in her service to the Lord. God brought her to Rio Negro almost 5 years ago, where she originally started working with the children and pre-teens. After several years God opened the doors for bible studies and services for all ages, as well as a place to hold these services. Unfortunately, the priest started getting upset with the fact that people were studying Gods word, and prohibited the families from going and from sending their children. For a while now not a whole lot has been done with the children, as many stopped coming and the focus shifted to forming the youth to be an active part of the church.

Now, we are happy to see that once again they are going to continue the work with the children, with the least of these, the future of Ecuador, and are very excited to be a part of Gods moving in Rio Negro! We have already been invited to go and minister the word again with them. God is good!!!

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