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Christmas Day at Casa de Fe

Today was a bit of a long day, but definitely a wonderful one! We arrived early in the morning to breakfast pancakes with the kids, and then start the many activities of the day off. There were arts and crafts, cookie decorating, movies, an obstacle course and a treasure hunt! After the kids were all cleaned up from the wet and mud, we had a photo session and then a huge lunch! Apart from the kids, there where a number of workers, volunteers and even a team and a family that were visiting over Christmas time, so we had over a hundred people at the foundation for Christmas! A huge thank you to all who gave so that these children can have a wonderful christmas celebration, even if it is not with their family.

After Lunch, we had a short service for Christmas, and it truly was a special time! We talked about Jesus birth and the greatest gift of all, and then with help from two of the visiting team we did a puppet show for the kids. The story is titled 'the Joy Stealer', and I have used it before to show that the only lasting gift that brings us joy and cannot be taken away by the devil, is that which our Lord can give us. the kids had never heard it before, and were spellbound and laughing all at once during the story. It is amazing to be able to pour out our hearts and see how God works in their lives.

After that, the children all opened up their presents, and then spent the rest of the afternoon playing with their new toys!! We are truly thankful to be a part of their lives! God is good!

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