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Monday fun time

Today was an incredible time spent with the kids at Casa de Fe. Today, everyone was off except for the tias that care for the kids, so along with another volunteer we had a great time playing with the kids. In the morning I played with the younger kids, helping the boys build a small house out of scrap wood alongside the river, and building a fire and cooking the fresh water shrimp that they took out of the river.

Afterwards, we took the younger children to the park here in Shell. It was an incredible time, even though it poured on us as we were walking back to the foundation!!

In the afternoon we played volleyball with the older children, and then the neighboring farmer invited us to go to his property and pick guava, a long pod fruit that hangs high up in the trees here. It was a great time, with the monkey kids climbing the trees to get the fruit, and all of us getting what we could from the ground. We got a few scrapes and crushed fingers, and it rained on us there as well, but it was a great time spent together. I love spending time with these kids, just being a part of their lives, being their for them, and they knowing that they can count on me and trust is great to find the opportunities to share and speak into their lives as well.

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