Sunday blessing

Today we had a great blessing for our Sunday service at Casa de Fe. Pastor Jon and brother Greg, a carpenter, are at Casa de Fe building some bunk beds. I asked Jon to preach the Sunday message to the youth at Casa, and I translated for him. He preached about the christian walk, and how we are to keep our eyes on the Lord (hence the blinders in the picture)
It was a great way to start the years sunday teachings, and our prayer is that in this year, regardless of what may come to pass, these young men and woman can remember to keep their eyes on our Lord!
This year we have a number of goals and desires for the children at Casa de Fe, and really desire your prayers. One of the greatest needs is for sunday school workers, so as to be able to divide the children into three groups, where we can better present the bible to a not so wide age range in one class. Also, I really desire to do more teaching and discipleship with the older youth. We see a lot of growth in the younger children, and praise the Lord for that! He has a plan for each and every one of these children, and our desire is to be able to teach and equip them to be strong believers in our society here in Ecuador.