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Greetings from the Chaplain!!

“The Love of God is greater far, than tongue or pen can ever tell…God’s love so

measureless and strong, shall forevermore endure, the siants and angels song!”

I love this hymn! It brings back a lot of memories, and always reminds me that, no

matter what our mistakes, our failures; no matter where we are at, or what

problems we face: God’s love is bigger, and will take us through!

I have been sharing a lot about the love of God here at Casa de Fe recently,

wether with the visiting teams that have been here, counseling with some of the

struggling young boys and girls, or during Sunday School. We have shared about

how God’s love will take our broken pieces and mend them, how he will change

us through the power of his love, and how his love is what flows through us and

allows us to overcome and be more like him.

During bible class at the Casa de Fe school recently, I chose several different pairs

of ‘opposites’ children (out of the group of 13 3-5 year olds) to stand up, and then

proceded to ask them who they think God loves more…the older ones or the

younger ones? The darker ones or the whiter ones? The biggest of the smalles?

The boys or the girls? Domenica, a very bright 5 year old girl in first grade

responded each question very sincerely… the ‘morenitos!’ (darker ones), the

small children, God loves girls more!!! It was an amazing time of pure laughter,

and to see that she feels God’s love so much, that he cannot possibly love

everyone as much as he loves her!

I would like to challenge each of you this month, to remember how special you

are to God. My hope is that you may feel so special, so loved by God, that you

know without a doubt that he is in control of everything, he is taking care of

you…and his love for you is the same love that cares for these children here, that

picks them up off of the streets, give them care with people that love them, and

teach them how to overcome every obstacle through his love.

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