
Well, it has been a crazy day! With full busses, (Esteban and I standing on the way to church this morning because there are no seats), road blocks, and a very heavy police and military presence, we are glad that elections are finally (officially) over. But a LOT of people are not happy!
There are many (the opposition) who are calling for a hand to hand recount of all the voting slips, as they state that there has been fraud in the electronic counting system, which evidence seems to support. It also appears that there has been (again) a lot of manipulating of voting slips, including throwing away some which are for the opposition, adding in fake ones for the current socialistic government, etc.
Things are a tinderbox right now, with many marches and demonstrations going on. Honestly, I doubt much can be done...with the type of socialistic government that we have here, they will do just about anything to stay in power. but we rest in the scripture that God places and moves kings at his will, and also changes his heart as he desires. We know that he has a plan for all, and a plan for Ecuador.
Our goal continues to be reaching and teaching the young people and the church to spread the good news of the gospel, so that regardless of the government and the decisions going on around us, there can be freedom in the Ecuadorian heart. Freedom from fear, freedom from chains and spiritual bondage, freedom from vicious cycles that are destroying entire families, freedom from the abuse and the shame of being different, or of not having the same opportunities that many other children have, or of coming from a broken home. These are the cases with which we deal daily, families, young people, even children doing whatever they can to keep their heads above water, to survive, to wake up and face another day, with the slightest glimmer of hope that they can somehow overcome their despair, somehow find something or someone that will care enough about them to show them the way out of their daily hell.
We have that answer, we have that hope; we are the bearers and the equippers of those that will lead these dear people to the one that can break chains, destroy vicious cycles and restore hope that tomorrow can be a good day, tomorrow can be filled with purpose; that today there is something to live and aim for.
Thank you for being a part of this great work! God is moving, and you can partner with what he is doing in this part of Ecuador!! For more information write us at manantialministries@mail.com