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Sunday School at CdF update

Greetings from the chaplains desk!

Just a quick note with some prayer requests for the Sunday school at Casa de Fe.

At the beginning of April we had a meal-and-meeting with Henry and Geidi, as well as the two volunteer Sunday school teachers that are helping us when they can to teach the children. It was a great time of planning, praying for the children, maping out a new lesson plan and looking over the material on hand.

One of the biggest things discussed was the changes in the age groups at Casa de Fe, which has changed a number of the dynamics for Sunday School. Of the children that we minister to on Sundays, we currently have 22 in the childrens group of 2-7 year olds, 16 in the adolescent group of 8-13 year olds, and only 4 young ladies, of whom at least two will be leaving Casa de Fe after this school year is over. Accordingly, we are changing a little the groups and our teaching approach, so as to make sure that each child is receiving what they need and can understand on a spiritual level.

We have changed the groups a bit, but are still in need of more volunteers so as to be able to divide the children even better, so that the lessons can be prepared and presented in a way that they can fully understand. We are also heading up or coordinating seperate lessons and times with the adolescents and teenagers, so that they can grow even stonger spiritually. Please continue to pray for this most needy part of the childrens lives, as well as for God's provision of volunteers and material.

Almost all of the material for Sunday school, as well as snacks afterwards, are supplied by our ministry or personally by the Sunday school teachers. We are blessed to be able to give in this way for the children, and also continue to look for more provision so as to be able to buy all of the material needed for Casa de Fe, as well as for the churches that we assist with their Sunday school programs.

Thank you for being a part of teaching these precious ones about their loving heavenly Father, and a part of their walk in knowing him!!

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